Tag: Zambian

  • Twaambo & Lweendo’s Wedding

    Twaambo & Lweendo’s Wedding

    Twaambo Sichikolo and Lweendo Hachamba were joined in matrimony on the 2nd of April, 2018. The wedding ceremony was held at the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) in Lusaka’s Emarsdale township. The wedding reception was held at Tiffany’s Canyon alone the Kafue road. The groom, bride, matron and the groomsmen and the bridesmaids went for a…

  • Enock & Zgola’s Wedding

    Enock & Zgola’s Wedding

    Enock Kanyerere and Zgola Mbuzi were joined in matrimony on the 2nd December, 2017. The wedding ceremony was held at Civic Center in Lusaka by Ms Barbara Chanda the Registrar of Marriages. Family members and friends of the couple gathered to witness this wonderful ceremony. Ms Barbara encouraged the couple on matters relating to marital…

  • Oscar & Chama’s Wedding

    Oscar & Chama’s Wedding

    Oscar Chimfwembe and Chama Stephanie Mambwe were joined in matrimony on the 22nd July, 2017. The wedding ceremony was held at St. Ignatius Parish Church by Fr. Joe Keaney. The Church choir sung beautiful songs during the ceremony. The service preaching was short and precise. After exchanging vows, Mr. Chimfwembe unveiled his wife and He…

  • Roselinda’s Kitchen Party

    Roselinda’s Kitchen Party

    Ms Roselinda’s kitchen party was held on the 29th April, 2017 at Lima Gardens. Earlier that day, there was a marriage blessing for Mr. Anderson and Ms Roselinda. If you would like to check of the wedding ceremony of Mr & Mrs Zulu please visit Verxel Arts’ wedding page or click on the button below.…

  • Anderson & Roselinda’s Wedding

    Anderson & Roselinda’s Wedding

    Anderson and Roselinda were married on the 29th April, 2017. The wedding ceremony was held at the Reformed church of Zambia (RCZ) in Matero. The wedding ceremony was attended by the family and friends of the couple. The officiating officer kept the ceremony short. After the couple exchanged vows and rings they didn’t kiss. Rather…

  • Daliso & Patricia’s Wedding

    Daliso & Patricia’s Wedding

    Daliso and Patricia were married on the 7th May, 2016. The wedding ceremony was held at the University of Zambia (UNZA) Chapel. The service started at 14:00 and ended around 16:00. Besides delivering a powerful service for the couple, the Father blessed the couple and he made them pray a wonderful prayer together as the…

  • The Film Industry In Zambia

    The Film Industry In Zambia

    Story telling has evolved from cave drawings, to elderly telling young ones stories around the fire; book writing and publications; and to block buster movies with enormous budgets. Countries such as India (Bollywood), Nigeria (Nollywood) and the United States (Hollywood) have been leading the world in movie production. The question is, where does the film…

  • Eric & Gwen’s Wedding

    Eric & Gwen’s Wedding

    Eric Chipili and Gwen Chama married on the 30th Novermber, 2013. The wedding ceremony was conducted at the Jehovah’s Witness Kingdom Hall in Chilenje. There, Biblical scriptures were quoted and marital teachings were taught. The couple exchanged vows and rings were worn. NO KISS took place in the KINGDOM WALL. After signing of the marriage…

  • Chilekwa & Winnie’s Wedding

    Chilekwa & Winnie’s Wedding

    Chilekwa Mwamba and Winnie Banda were married on the 5th October, 2013. The wedding ceremony was conducted at The Church of Jesus Christ and the latter day saints or The LDS Church in Lusaka. The couple underwent spiritual and marital counselings. The bride was presented to the groom and they exchanged vows. After the exchange…

  • Lubasi & Petronella’s Wedding

    Lubasi & Petronella’s Wedding

    Lubasi Mpasa and Petronella Mtonga were married on the 7th September, 2013. The wedding ceremony was conducted at the University of Zambia Chapel (UNZA Chapel). The marriage sermon and counseling was conducted by Pastor Eddie Chansa. Pastor Chansa had prepared a different format for the couple. Guests talked to were happy with the sermon. The…